Monday, August 28, 2006

I am back!

I have set up my computer in the dorm. It is really slow, but at least it runs. First day at school has been interesting. I am finding out that I am not going to have the time I thought I would, but at least my schedule is do-able.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. I feel like I have been hanging on by an unraveling thread lately, but things are starting to come together. Praise God!

I am gonna skeedaddle for now, but we will talk soon. God bless you!!


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Glad to see you've moved into the dorm, but aren't you still in the process of moving out of the house with your Mom?

When the dust settles, figuratively, I mean, let me know what your schedule is like and, if you are interested, perhaps we can fellowship at a coffeehouse nearby or on campus.

Oh, I almost forgot, yes… there's a copy of the 1940 Hymnal of the Episcopal Church waiting for you. I can send it by Brock, or bring it along if we meet locally for fellowship.

Proverbs 31 work in progress said...

Romanos! Bless you brother! How very thoughtful you are!

I am so happy to be in the dorm. It has been quite the story. Perhaps tomorrow morning I will have a moment and can write a little about how wonderful our God is.

Yes, I am still in the process of moving Momma out, and I have significantly less time than I was hoping for, so I am in prayer about that. I remain confident that it will all work out though.

Thank you again! Go with God, brother