Sometimes a trip is not about the destination, but about the journey getting there.
I think I am on a journey right now. I am praying about something in my life, and although that prayer seems to be going unanswered right now, I feel as though I am still learning so much while waiting. Perhaps that is the answer...wait ;) God knows what I need and has been faithful to sustain me during this wating period.
Sometimes, no, a lot of the time, people, particularly those who call themselves "spiritual", talk about their lives as a journey, while saying things that imply that the destination or goal doesn't matter, that it's the journey that's important. C. S. Lewis warns us about this kind of talk in his book, Pilgrim's Regress. I don't think this is what your meaning is, but your opening line threw me a curve ball.
We already know our destination, for sure. We carry the road map in our left inside pocket (the heart). We have been sent tantalizing photos of the place from time to time, along with personal letters written just to us as individuals, from the Man that has paid our entrance ticket. That Man also sends us select portions of the feast that awaits us when we get there, to give us the encouragement and strength to continue on the journey. He even sends out escorts from time to time, when we need one to help us through a difficult or dangerous pass. In a way, you can say that although our lives as we know them now, moment by moment, are the journey, our real Life that we can somehow sense is just beyond our grasp, is the Destination, and that it isn't going to be dealt us in a moment by moment fashion, but bestowed on us all at once, and once and for all. This is the contrast between our lives as chrónos and our Life as kairós.
What we are now, even what we are to ourselves, will vanish instantly and forever when we enter into Life, just as a journey abruptly ends at its destination.
But don't forget—Without the destination there is no journey. If there were no Life, we would not even exist to be wayfarers at all. What we are now will be over in the twinkling of an eye, but what we are in Him is for ever. Never fear.
Keep praying and watching for the answers, because they always come, they never fail, every day, they form the immovable certainties of our daily existence, but we must seek them and accept them with total trust. That trust is what we call in Greek, "pistis", a word that is usually translated as faith. But that is, in fact, what faith is.
God ALWAYS answers our prayer, but we don't always listen. Help me, Lord, to have ears to hear.
Trust me, brother, I have certainly not forgotten the destination...I am, however, remembering that I may not be able to take a snooze in the back seat while getting there ;)
I am finding that the journey is preparing me for the destination... or to put it better: By praying so much over this one situation, it has openned me up to pray more fervently for other situations as well, and without hesitation. Not that I have all the answers, I just don't feel like all this waiting has been a waste of time ;)
No matter the outcome, or answer, this time waiting upon the Lord has not been wasted, but infact has been benificial.
Thank you Romanos!
Yes, dear sister. Waiting on the Lord is never wasted time. There is no loss with Jesus!
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