Sunday, November 19, 2006

It's good to be back

I am back in the land of the living.

I have mostly finished my paper and have turned in the rough draft, so all that is left is editing and summary, which will be pretty quick. Thank you for your prayers! They came in fact, they bought me two extra day, praise God!

I have discovered that being responsible can be very lonely. I didn't realize it until I got to church Saturday night and just clung to a friend of mine during most of the first song. People had left me alone all week so that I could get my work done (and thank you for that consideration, you are amazing!), but by the end of it I thought I would just go insane if I didn't talk to or hold onto someone.

This morning the Multnomah Ambassador choir (which I am in) had a mini concert at the church next door. It was our first performance of the semester and it went well. There were some rough spots, but that's ok 'cause we were the only people that knew they were rough spots. I think the idea was more to help people get over the intial performance jitters so that when we have our real concert in a couple weeks, we will be more confident as a group.

I am looking forward to some relax time this weekend...that and turkey! Some friends are letting me stay with them over the weekend and I am just very excited about that! Soon to follow is Christmas break...a whole month of time away from studting anything. I might even get to read a book....for pleasure! I started working on Pilgrims Progress a month ago, but that was during a break too and I haven't had the time to pick it up again since then! :( Perhaps I will be able to do a little of that this weekend.

Well, I am going to go do something that has been escaping me most of this week...sleep! God bless you, and thanks again for praying for me!

1 comment:

pilgrim said...

I'm glad you were able to finish that paper. I hope everything works out've put a lot of effort and work into it.

As far as "The Pilgrim's Progress", well, that is a classic that all believers should read at least once. It covers so much and has helped me in my struggles. But you can expect that, it was written by a man you was imprisoned 12 years for the gospel.

Happy Thanksgiving, Laura