Thursday, July 26, 2007

back home now

Thank you so much for your prayers. I have returned home safely and am very happy to be back. Alaska was very hard, but I made it through and have learned a little bit about myself in the process. I didn't make as much money as I would have hoped, but God knows what I need better than I do.

There isn't a lot to share about the working. I worked hard for many hours at a time, but the real story comes from the relationships that were started and built up. I am so excited about the friends I made and the people that God has allowed me to minister to. I want to thank you again for being a part of this process by keeping me in your prayers. Thank you over and over again.
God bless you.

PS, this pic is a sunrise (at about 3:45am...the sun had just set about two hours earlier)

and the other is a battle would I sustained while fighting a powerful conveyor belt....okay, well everyone else was doing it and since I didn't want to come home with a tattoo, a big bruise was the next best thing ;)

1 comment:

Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Glad to see you're back! Knew you'd survive because we prayed for you every day, and God is faithful. Also thanked Him for the learning and the new friends we knew He'd send you, and the opportunities for sharing the love of Christ.

After I first heard about your plan, I looked up the company and found out everything I could, and my misgivings were… the physical danger and the uncertainty of the monetary benefits. We prayed especially that your health would be preserved, and that you wouldn't have any bad accidents (little ones I knew would be unavoidable), but on the positive side, that the Lord would send people to you that you could minister to and who would minister to you. Anyway, as I said, glad you're back safe and sound!