Thursday, August 16, 2007

Good news and bad news, or is it just news?

Good news: My rother is going to stay right where he is. He has been promoted to a salaried position with the company he works for. I was a bit surprized at how much the posibility of a move for him had affected me. But now that he is staying, I feel much relief.

Bad news: My car has died once again. I had decided last time that that was the last time I would fix it, and now it is dead again. The clutch is done. I had it replaced a couple years ago, but I guess the clutch bearing something rather was bad and it made the clutch die too. Anyway, long story short, it is going to cost way more that I want to put into that car to fix it, so I will be without wheels once again.

No news: Still haven't heard anything about Financial Aid

Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. I am trying not to worry about things and just take them as they come, and my brother says I am doing really well ;), I just wish sometimes things would quit coming...ya know? hehehe. Ok, thank you again. God bless you!

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