Tuesday, June 10, 2008

An update

Hello all! I am going to Poland. I am still in need of about $700, but I have purchased the ticket to go. What I am paying for now is training and insurance. Both are required to do the trip, so I remain hopeful. God has brought me this far and I know that the remainder is coming :). Thank you for your prayers. I ask that you would contnue to pray for me.

Now that I am going, there is a whole new challenge - How do I teach English? I have a manual, but there is only so much that can be learned in that fashion, so most will be hands on. What's super fun is I am already getting excited about next year, if I get to go back. Well, one at a time, right? Yes. Well, again, I would appreciate your prayers. I will try to update this periodically over my trip, but bear in mind that I am not taking the computer, so I will be at the mercy of internet cafes and such.

A friend of mine in Poland has decided to take me under his wing while I am arriving and departing. (He's in a picture in a privious blog - the collage of friends). Basically, if I have had a question about what to do, he and his brother have been there to answer me. He is personally making sure I make all my connections while there, since I don't yet speak Polish. You may pray for him as well. His name is Kamil and his brother is Maciek. They are good guys, I just don't know if they know the Lord. Kamil does, but I don't know the depth. I know nothing about the faith of his brother. Please pray for these young men and their family.

Ok, so, the particulars? I leave Sunday the 22 of June at 6:AM, bleh! I will be gone about 3 and a half weeks. I arrive in Krakow and will be there for nearly a week. Then I travel to Skoczow to teach for a week. We will come back to Krakow and then I will attempt to spend a week in Rzeszow (I have to get my flight adjusted in order to do this, so please pray for that as well?). Then I will go back to Krakow and fly home.

In other news, I will be in Portland this weekend. I have a wedding I am playing fiddle for on Saturday and then my friend from high school is getting married on Monday. I will be at RED SEA on Sunday night. I don't know what time church starts at Village, so I don't know if I will be there Saturday night or not, but if someone let's me know, I will try to get there. I hope everyone is well. I miss you very much

God bless you!
Laura Jean


Tom Mulkey said...

Village is at 5:30 on Saturday (though I won't be there Saturday). Glad to hear things are moving forward :)

Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

I think I am the 1000th visitor to your blog. At least when I got there, your number was 1000. Congratulations!

Be careful when you're in Poland. They generally love Americans, which is like the Japanese, and so that was a pleasant surprise when Brock and I were in Japan, but it still pays to be careful.

You may find a social cohesiveness there that we don't have in America. That's how it was in Japan, and a close friend of mine who has been to Russia several times, says that about Russia. People still see themselves as members of a group or tribe rather than as individuals. If you're not prepared for this, it's a shock. Myself, I've always tried to feel part of a group, but in America it's considered weird. That's why I feel at home in Japan and not so here, except when I'm with Orthodox Christians, who still preserve that aspect of community. (That's why Catholics seem to regard us with amusement or scorn, as some primitive tribal version of their religion, which of course, we're not).

Anyway, have fun in Poland and let your witness be honest and natural. Just love the people you meet, as Christ loves you. And a smile is the same in every language, so keep smiling.