Friday, June 12, 2009

a brief update

Camp is going great. I have 16 campers - 10 girls and 6 guys. They are all about 15 years old and they are a joy to get to know.

In our chapel service on Tuesday one of my girls accepted Jesus and 4 more re-dedicated their lives to Him. It was a pretty cool night and we had some great conversations. Since then, relationships between campers and between myself, the campers and the other counselors has strengthened.

This weekend, my campers will head home. They will return on Monday, and while it will be nice to have a little time of rest, I know I am going to miss them dearly!

Thank you for your prayers! Tonight is another decision night, so please remember us.

God bless you!
Laura Jean

Please write. The address here is 64741 S Victory Road, Sutton, AK 99674


Andrew Rowland said...

Sounds like a good time.
Keep those Campers challenged :)
Especially if they are from Lazy Mountain. :)

pastorpedro said...

Good for you!!! Sounds exciting! Where is my cabin? We pray on . . .

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

Yay! Beautiful. :)