Wednesday, July 07, 2010


I am a map lover. I know, I know, it's not the most...popular of interests, but I love them. In fact, one of my favorite places in, actually, my Metsker's Maps. I may even have linked this one already. Anyway, it's a fabulous map store in Seattle right down by the Pike Street market (My mom and I will go downtown from time to time, and she does markety type things while I explore the world - via Metzkers). :) And to stay true to my passion, click here for a map.

So, now that you know that about me (or have been reminded of that), imagine my sheer delight as you read my story.

You may be aware that I have spent the past few months studying in the Master of Arts in Counseling (MAC) program at Multnomah University. After I finished my undergrad, I decided to continue education that would help me as a worship pastor. I figured that counseling would be great since I am often told I am a good listener and I really do enjoy hearing about people's lives and being trusted to speak truth to them in return. Much of a pastor's time is spent providing spiritual counsel, so studying counseling made sense. However, as I got into the program I discovered that the MAC is focused on clinical counseling - not at all what I wanted to be doing.

I put the issue to prayer and patience, and not long after that, decided to quit the program. I was pretty sure that was the end of my masters work and was going to focus on finding work "as is".

A couple months ago I remembered that Multnomah offers a Pastoral Studies program that focuses on counseling and pastoral care. "Perfect!" I thought. I went about researching the program and praying through whether I should go for it or if I should stick to quitting. After getting all the info I needed/wanted, and talking to various instuctors and students, I made the decision to switch.

Last week (on my birthday actually) I had my interview with the head-hancho. I was so nervous, yet so relaxed at the same time. I had already known what I would do if I didn't get in, but I wanted to get in. It was so different from when I was attempting to be accepted for the undergrad at Multnomah - I needed to get in. This time I didn't need to get in, I just wanted to. My nervousness stemmed from the fact that I was meeting with someone who was going to decide, after only knowing me for 30 minutes, if I would indeed "get in".


"Hey that's great Laura, but where is the part about sheer delight?"
Good question!
So, during the tail end of my research, I made a discovery. Now, it wasn't enough to base a decision on, but it was one that I got a kick out of and it felt kinda like a "God hug". Remember how MAC means Master of Arts in Counseling? Well, my new program, Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies, is MAPS. ha! Isn't that delightful? Yeah, I thought so too.

I will start at the end of August. :) Thanks for reading my little story :) God bless you.

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