Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Worship 1.3

True worship: The continual turning toward God through every situation of trial or rejoicing in order that He would be glorified and honored and that others would come to know Him, or know Him better.

Again we will consider our above definition, this time focusing in on what it means to “turn toward God.” Last month we studied how our worship is continual and that no matter where we are or what we are doing, we are worshipping. “Turning toward God” addresses who we are giving that worship to. The truth is, we could worship any number of things, people, or even ourselves! But worship of God requires focusing in on Him.

It’s easy to get side-tracked though. We have jobs and school, bills and homework, children and responsibilities that require our time. It doesn’t take long before we are so focused on what needs to get done and how we are going to do it, that we forget that it was God who gave us the gift of work, education, family and duty to begin with. In our striving to make it to the next level, we often forget that it is God who sustains our very breath and it is God who allowed our every step.

When we consider “turning toward God”, the best place to begin is by practicing thankfulness. If we are intentionally thankful each time we see God move in our lives, then we are well on our way to continually turning toward God.

If you can, this month carry a little scratch pad that will fit easily in your pocket or purse. When you see things that you are thankful to God for, write them down. For example: “Thank you Lord for protecting my life when that driver cut me off on the freeway.” “Thank you Lord for the beauty of Your sunshine today.” It is amazing how quickly we will turn to God in the tough situations when we are already used to turning to Him through the gentle ones.

“Father, thank you for Your holiness. Thank you for Your love and grace. Thank you for Your Son and Your salvation. Thank you for Your Spirit living in us. Lord, remind us to be thankful. Amen”

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